Monday, March 15, 2010


Today I feel Dull, with a capital D. Just plain dull. I wonder -- they say pregnant women feel lethargic. It’s because we cannot drink coffee!! I think I really need a good cup of steaming hot coffee now. But, I can’t drink it, and I won’t. So, I’ll just remain dull for the rest of the day, and maybe for the next one year plus!!

Went for a checkup last Saturday. I was so hoping the doctor will do a vaginal ultrasound to detect heartbeat. But she didn’t. She did abdominal ultrasound though and confirmed that there is an intra-uterine sac, a.k.a pregnancy sac. Then she told me, “Now we just need to see if the pregnancy is viable… Come back to see me in 2 weeks.”

Man, that’s very stressful. I wonder how some people have the confidence to announce that they are pregnant with just a HPT done. I really wanted a US done as soon as I knew I was pregnant, but none was done for me yet. I feared ectopic pregnancy, but luckily the scan on Sat showed that it’s at the right place. Now I really want to hear the heart beat. Until then, I can’t sleep in peace. I’m having weird dreams; I keep waking up in the middle of the night, etc. I need some reassurance that the baby’s ok.

I read up that an abdominal ultrasound normally shows the heartbeat only at 7-8 weeks of pregnancy. A vaginal ultrasound however can show you the heartbeat (or flutter) at about 5-6 weeks. I am 6 weeks now… So am going to see another doctor in the middle of this week, and really hope the ultrasound will show us something positive.

Til then, I think I’m gonna have some more Milo and just get more sleepy!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Pregnancy & Perks

I still can’t believe that I’m pregnant. On a daily basis, hubby asks me, “How are you?”
I know he means well, and he wants to be part of the pregnancy. But the truth is, I don’t quite feel pregnant yet. I just keep thinking about how big I will become, how my office clothes won’t fit me anymore in a few months’ time, and I won’t be able to wear my favourite jeans also by then! I’m thinking about how I will look when I come in to office, will I be waddling like a duck? Also, what if I get really bad morning sickness and have to stay in the bathroom half the day? I’ll surely get a bad reputation at work!

Well, based on the calculations, I’m 5 weeks pregnant. Well today should be 5 weeks and a few days. I’m a little confused as to what I should be reading – should I refer to articles about being 5 weeks pregnant, or since I’ll be getting into the 6th week, should I look at 6 weeks instead?

Symptoms – there was a time I was hoping for symptoms to give me a clue as to whether I’m pregnant or not. But now, I don’t have many symptoms yet. Some say the nausea will only kick in around 7 to 8 weeks. (Again, do I cross 7 weeks before I look out for it, or should it be from the week I will become 7 weeks pregnant?) In any case, a check with the doctors soon will help to ease my mind as I’m getting a little worried…

Anyway being pregnant has its slight perks. The other day I found a lizard in my bathroom; it came in through the open bathroom window. The 2 things I despise, am afraid of and don’t wanna see are cockroaches and lizards! I was about to take my bath when I saw the lizard running across the ceiling. So I called out to hubby. He comes up with the big brush meant for washing the bathroom, and spends the next 10 mins knocking on the ceiling and walls trying to get the lizard to run out of the bathroom window! He looked like a shepherd trying to get his sheep into line, or someone doing a tribal dance! You think it worked? As if!! After 10 mins and a few times of losing sight of the lizard (followed by more banging of the brush to “scare” it out of hiding), I tell hubby that I’m not gonna shower in there til he gets rid of it. So hubby, who hates killing anything even insects and spiders, had no choice but to kill the lizard. He apologized to the lizard before doing it. I didn’t wanna see how he did it, I just wanted it gone.

I do feel bad, but hey, I am afraid of them. Last thing I want is for it to fall on me when I’m in the shower. So for now, the bathroom windows are shut tight!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

The Day We Found Out

Never did I imagine that the day I find out I’m pregnant can be so out-of-ordinary!

We’ve been trying for awhile, and thanks to the new things in the market, you can now pinpoint almost exactly when ovulation takes place. So, counting from that, I knew when I was supposed to get my period. Yet, I was afraid to test early. Maybe it was the fear of seeing only one line again. Have done it before -- period is late, buy a HPT, take the test, it turns out negative, and the very next day I get my period! So if I’m late and I want my period to come, I just need to take a HPT!

Given that, I was afraid to test. I told myself earlier on after doing all the calculations that I will test on Wednesday 3/3, though I was itching to test from Monday. And then what happens? Hubby gets admitted to Pantai Hospital on Tuesday cos he had spontaneous pneumothorax! I spent Tuesday night alone at home. A friend told me to monitor my Basal Body Temperature, and that the day it drops below the coverline, it means I’ll get my period. So I checked on Monday – high; Tuesday – high; Wednesday – still high. So on Wed morning I decided to brave it and do the test. Lo and behold, 2 lines appeared! I was seriously relieved that I starting tearing. (Hormones playing a part here?)

So, I took a picture of the test kit (though it was a cheapo test) to show hubby. I went to the hospital early in the morning, and showed him the pic in my phone.
Hubby: “What’s this?”
Me: “Guess…”
Hubby: “You’re pregnant ah???” with shock that quickly turned to joy.

And how did we spend the rest of the day? At the hospital!! Luckily, hubby got discharged that day. He insisted I buy another test for him to see the results (I threw away the first one after testing), so I bought Clearblue that cost RM21!! Did the test on Thursday morning and showed him the Positive sign. (Clearblue is innovative -- instead of checking if you got 1 or 2 lines, it shows a “+” or “-“ sign.)

Finally, I got my BFP!!!

(Note: BFP is Big Fat Positive. Terms that those who TTC will know as they're all waiting for it... And oh, TTC is Trying To Conceive!)